Friday, January 28, 2011

Exercise of the Month: Squat

Exercise of the Month
By William Parker, CSCS
Athletic Performance Center

 February – Squat

            Leg strength and power is a foundational building block for most athletes.  This is needed for movements like sprinting, jumping, cutting, backpedaling, and shuffling.  A Barbell Back Squat, or Squat (as it is most commonly referred to), is a wonderful exercise to develop strength and power through the legs and hips.  A Squat also mimics the same neuromuscular pattern as the previously listed movements.  

            Performing a Squat correctly can be quite challenging depending on the participant’s prior injuries, flexibility, general strength, and motor control.  First, spread your feet shoulder width apart and slightly turned outward.  Then bend your knees forward, letting the hips move backward slightly and then down.  Lower your hips until the crease of your hip is below the top of the knee cap, as in pictures #1 and #2.  This depth will help alleviate the shear force on the knee by engaging your Adductors (groin) to assist in lifting the load.  Maintain even weight distribution between right and left leg, and heel and toe of the foot.  On the lowering phase, inhale deeply and hold, exhaling as you push through your feet and lift the load to a tall, fully straight position with your hips pressed forward.   

Make sure you do not push your hips back too far as in picture #3.  This changes the Squat into a Good Morning, (using different muscles) and can put a tremendous load on back.  Before attempting a load heavier than your body weight, consult a physician and fitness professional.